Open the Book (OtB) is an exciting storytelling project where Bible stories are shared with children in a way that is fun, interactive and memorable. As invited guests in school, storytelling teams use the Open the Book programme to prepare and present a 10–15-minute scripted Bible story to a school assembly, involving the children as much as possible.
Storytelling teams are made up of trained and safely recruited volunteers from local churches and organisations, who sign up as members and follow the Open the Book Code of Practice.
The founder of Open the Book, who sadly passed away in February
It all started in Bedford in 1999 as a millennium project. Dave Todd recognised that children didn’t know Bible stories and he yearned to change that. Dave believed that if there was a way to bring Bible stories to life for children in a way that was engaging, interactive and fun, it would make a difference. One evening, he gathered in his living room a group of Christians who had experience working with children and in schools. They didn’t know why they were there. Dave unveiled a giant cutout of a lion that he had made, and asked the group, ‘How are we going to tell the story of Daniel in the Lions’ Den?’ Since then, Open the Book, as it became known, has grown beyond what anyone ever imagined. There are now more than 7,500 Open the Book Storytellers who comprise more than 2,500 teams. These teams go into over 3,000 primary schools across England and Wales. This means more than 360,000 children are hearing Bible stories regularly in their school assemblies. Open the Book is also growing in another 18 countries spread across Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. How thankful we are for Dave Todd’s vision, commitment and creativity in finding a way to bring Bible Stories to life for children.
Open the Book
Sharing Bible stories with children everywhere, through the power of storytelling.
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A Bible story well told has the power to spark the imagination, inspire exploration, give hope, create a smile, teach important lessons and connect generations.
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The aim of Open the Book is to equip people to share Bible stories with children in an accessible and enjoyable way for those of all faiths and none, and to tell Bible stories in ways that enable children to engage imaginatively with the text.