Discover the Bible

When we read the Bible we find out more about God, more about ourselves and more about the world. That’s why Bible Society invites people to discover it for themselves.

Easter resources

Share the good news this Easter

We have a host of resources to help you reflect and celebrate on this season.

Daily Lent devotionals

Story books for children and toddlers

Free activity sheets for children and toddlers

Rooted: The Resurrection Edition

3illustrated books with Easter themes, surrounded by fresh tulips in red, yellow, and pink. In the centre, 'Rooted: The Resurrection Edition,' has an illustration of Jesus' empty tomb with three crosses in the background. Beside it are two children books

The Romans Course

Discover your place in God’s story as you explore the Letter to the Romans with your small group or as a whole church.

The course tackles ten big themes found in the book of Romans which are key to understanding the Christian faith

Ten teaching videos

Small group resources

Church sermon resources

Testimony videos

Section Image

It’s All True! He’s Risen for You!

Suitable for primary school age children

Follow the disciples from the worst day they’d ever known, through to hearing crazy rumours they didn’t believe until finally seeing Jesus appear before them.

Easter children's book

Bulk pricing applies

£ 3.70/per book
an animated children's booklet, one stood up with two men with their arms around each other's shoulders. A hill and three crosses are in the distance. Another booklet is spread open on the table and there are red and yellow flowers beside them

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The Rooted devotional subscription journal takes you deeper into Scripture with reflections, activities, and lots of space to be creative.

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