Volunteer for Bible Society

From serving at events, to speaking in churches, or sharing Bible stories with schoolchildren, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved, develop your skills and have fun at the same time!

How you can help

There are lots of ways to get involved. Read more and find an opportunity that’s right for you.

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An Ambassador is a willing figurehead who attracts attention to our resources and our mission to offer the Bible to the world.

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Find out how you can get involved helping at conferences such as Big Church Day Out and New Wine.

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Join the team of over 6000 Open the Book volunteers reaching about 23 per cent of primary schools in England and Wales with interactive,...


What do our volunteers say?

We enjoy volunteering because it gives us the opportunity to SERVE while meeting like-minded volunteers and staff members, having fun, and making people aware of the good work Bible Society does in transforming people’s hearts

Allan and Sandy

Big Church Festival Volunteers

I enjoy meeting new people and I find it interesting to have a small insight into the workings of Bible Society by chatting to the full-time team … I would certainly recommend volunteering to others.


Creation Fest Volunteer

One of the wonderful things is, as well as raising money for the Bible Society, is also getting to know others in churches…we all support each other’s coffee mornings and you get to know so many people


Become a volunteer

Help make the Bible available to everyone, everywhere.