Complaints Procedure
At Bible Society, we aim to provide the highest standard of service at all times.
But we realise that things do go wrong from time to time, in which case those we service may wish to complain. We welcome all feedback, both good and bad, as an opportunity to identify how we can improve.
Our procedure is designed to ensure that all complaints are handled fairly, consistently, efficiently and are resolved at the earliest opportunity.
Who can complain?
Anyone who has come into direct contact with Bible Society whether as a supporter, a customer, a user of our resources or volunteer can make a complaint.
If you want someone else, for example a friend, relative or representative, to complain to us on your behalf, we will work with them to resolve your complaint. However, we will always need to have evidence that you have given your permission for someone else to act on your behalf.
How to complain
It is always best if you speak directly to the department or person that you have been dealing with in the first instance as this is often the quickest way to solve a complaint. However, if you’d like to raise an issue with someone else please use one of the methods below.
You can contact Bible Society directly in the following ways:
- by email –
- via the website
- by phone – 01793 418222
- write to us at: Bible Society, Stonehill Green, Westlea, Swindon, SN5 7DG
- in person at the same address
Our working days are Monday to Friday, 9.15 – 17.00.
Please mark your correspondence clearly as a complaint and please provide as much information as possible, including the names of any employees or volunteers you may have already spoken to about the matter.
If you need support during any part of this process we are happy to assist. Please telephone our supporter care team on 01793 418222.
It is easier for us to look into any matter if you make contact as soon as possible, it is difficult to carry out any investigation thoroughly after period of more than 12 months has elapsed. If we cannot investigate the complaint for any reason we will contact you to explain why.
How will you deal with my complaint?
Any issues raised will be dealt with as follows:
Stage one
You should receive an acknowledgement within five working days. We will tell you who will be your contact during this for providing you with a response and provide you with the direct contact details. It is the responsibility of the department about which you are complaining to respond to you at this point. They understand the issues involved and have the opportunity of addressing concerns as quickly as possible.
The timescale for responding at this stage is 20 working days but we have the right to extend this by 10 working days (this means it can take up to 30 working days). If more time is needed, we will contact you to let you know when you can expect a response and the reason for the delay.
We would always encourage you to resolve your complaints directly with the department at stage one to promote a positive working relationship between you and Bible Society. However, we understand that there are some cases when a complaint should be taken straight to stage two of the procedure.
If you feel there are reasons why you cannot resolve your complaint with the department directly at stage one, please telephone the Supporter Care team and they will consider this further.
What if I am not happy at the end of stage one?
We hope that most matters can be addressed at the first stage of the complaints procedure but if you are not happy with the full response that you get at stage one, you can ask for the complaint to be escalated to stage two by contacting the Supporter Care team on 01793 418222
Stage two - investigation and review
At stage two, the Head of Supporter Services will make an independent investigation of your complaint.
The timescale for responding at stage two is 30 working days but we have the right to extend this by 10 working days (this means it can take up to 40 working days). If the complaint requires more time the Head of Supporter Services will contact you and let you know when you can expect a response and the reasons for the delay.
We understand that you want the matter to be resolved and we want to make sure you get a response as soon as possible. However to make sure all elements are considered, we must make a thorough investigation and make sure that all information has been provided to us and that any legal requirement has been looked at. Only then can we produce a comprehensive and considered report for you.
Once you have received a response from stage two the complaints procedure has finished.
Bible Society staff have channels through which they can raise any concerns they might have about, for instance, inappropriate behaviour or unsafe practices. However, we also have many volunteers, who might not feel they can speak out when they see something they have questions about because they aren't sure whom to talk to. If that describes you, please be aware that you can contact the Chair of our Board at We're committed to being transparent and accountable, and we want everyone to feel that they can speak to us freely about any issues that arise.
All complaints will be kept confidential to the parties concerned and those who need to know in order to operate this policy.