Will you give whole communities the privilege of hearing God speak their language?

For a quarter of a billion people, speaking more than half the world’s languages, the words of the Bible are alien. The few Christians belonging to these peoples have to worship in second languages.

You can be a champion for these marginalised peoples.

Mission teams are working hard to translate the Bible into new languages and give people around them the full experience of Scripture.

Can you imagine living out a faith you can’t fully interact with and which your neighbours don’t understand? Your donation of £60 could translate 10 verses of Scripture and bring God’s word closer to a new community or generation of believers. You’ll get a bookplate sticker to go in your Bible and remind you of the difference you’re making through this partnership.

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You can empower these communities.

Twin your Bible with one of the new translations listed below by giving £60 and receiving a bookplate sticker to put in your Bible.