A seven-session video series for small groups focusing on key biblical themes.
The Bible Series will deepen your understanding of the Bible and its over-arching story, and help you engage in great conversation. Discover the Bible: world-shaping literature, in one big story, which still cuts through to the heart today.
Biblical themes covered
Although split into seven sessions, these themes are woven throughout the story of the Bible.
Watch the video as a group and work through the session guide to aid your discussion and study. See how these biblical themes are still relevant to us in modern society.
Part 1: Introducing the Bible – What is the Bible? See the Bible's relevance in the twenty-first century
Part 2: Origins and Meaning – Why were we created? Genesis shows us that we are created on purpose, for a purpose
Part 3: Exodus and Freedom – What is freedom? Explore freedom from captivity and freedom in Jesus
Part 4: Exile and Peace – How do we deal with suffering? Find hope beyond the darkness
Part 5: Messiah and Love – Who is Jesus? Discover the source of true love
Part 6: Spirit and Community – What part do we have to play? See how God uses normal people like us and how we are made for community
Part 7: Hope and home – How does the story of the Bible end? Our future hope inspires confidence in our uncertainty today
Part 1: Introducing the Bible
What is the Bible? The Bible is not just one old book, it's a library full of different genres. It shows the story of humankind from the beginning to where we are today. The Bible is one big story, and it's the world's bestseller for a reason. Written by humans but inspired by God, it has inspired culture for millennia through art, music, sport, novels, politics and more.
Deepen your understanding of the Bible's relevance and learn more of its message as you work through this series.
Part 2: Origins and Meaning
Can we really take Genesis seriously? Why are we created and who created us? These are common questions that this session covers. At the beginning of the Bible, we discover the creator behind the beauty of the world. Genesis also reveals that we’re made in the image of God, with a purpose to mirror his glory to the world. We see how humans have given into temptation, leading to brokenness and sin, but God speaks of a time where someone will come to end this. Throughout the Old Testament readers are given an anticipatory hope.
Part 3: Exodus and Freedom
What is true freedom, and can we really experience it? Modern culture and the Bible say different things about freedom. Part 3 explores the story of Exodus; God’s people being set free from slavery in Egypt. It's a story that is key to the Christian faith as it foreshadows what Jesus would one day do. This historical event inspired the abolition of slavery, songs and more. When we are set free from captivity, we are set free to live for Jesus, reflecting him to the world. Again, we are pointed towards the Messiah, to see true freedom fulfilled. Like in Exodus, God uses his followers today to bring freedom to the oppressed and justice for the marginalised.
Part 4: Exile and Peace
How do we deal with suffering and stress in the age of anxiety? Can we really find peace in the Bible? Exile is something that we still face today, living away from our true home. See how Daniel honoured God during exile and discuss how we can do that today. Learn how the psalms and prophets of the Old Testament teach us that we have:
- peace in the storm: God does not abandon his people (Isaiah 43).
- a purpose through the storm: we can trust that God has a plan for us within our struggles (Jeremiah 29).
- a promise beyond the storm: after exile, God’s people went back to rebuild their city. God restores us and helps us rebuild even today (Nehemiah 1–7).
Part 5: Messiah and Love
The story of the Bible culminates in God himself coming to the earth in Jesus. He is perfect love in action, the Messiah, promised throughout the Old Testament. Jesus came to earth not just for the 'good' people but for everyone, regardless of status. Jesus died the most agonising and shameful death to show his love for us and ultimately, to take away the sins of the world. Then, in the most history-defining moment of all time, he rose from death. How should Christians live in the light of this? Find out what the resurrection of Jesus means for us 2,000 years on as you study the theme of love.
Part 6: Spirit and Community
The message of Acts 1.8 is that the God is creating a multicultural community of believers. Like the Trinity, we are to be in community. In a world of hypocrisy, Christianity encourages sincerity. This brings acceptance, allows us to be vulnerable and helps us grow together.God uses ordinary people. Often social elites shape the world, but Christianity spread like wildfire when the Holy Spirit came. The early Church grew through Spirit-empowered 'normal people'. God still calls his followers to act, ‘bear the family name’ and continue spreading his message. In what ways does the Holy Spirit inspire us today?
Part 7: Hope and Home
The book of Revelation tells us that one day Jesus will return and that there will be no more pain or death. It’s Jesus’ return that will restore the paradise of Eden, as a garden-like city of believers in harmony. This is our true, promised home and our future hope. Find out how this promise can strengthen us now and keep us focused on the mission set before us. In Jesus, we have a living hope to whom we're anchored. This hope is bigger than the disappointments of life. It gives us confidence despite the unknown factors in our current situation. Hope is found in Jesus, who frees us to live bold lives and to bring his hope into the world.